Want to know more about creating a birth plan or why you should have a birth plan? Give us a call during business hours.
Phone Number
Hours of operation
08:30 AM to 04:30 PM
Visiting hours
5:00 AM to 9:00 PM
When you arrive, we will discuss your plan of care with you. Your support person is welcome to stay with you after delivery.
There will be intensive nursing attention when we:
Family members awaiting the birth of infants by cesarean section will be asked to wait in the entrance lobby. Because of the procedure, family members should expect to wait at least two hours before visiting the new mother and child. A staff member will notify waiting families when they may visit.
There will be less intensive nursing attention. We will be taking your vital signs and checking you, even at night, and we will need to massage your fundus and assess your bleeding.
Your baby can remain with you at all times, unless there are special circumstances. If you are breastfeeding, your baby will need to nurse every few hours.
Lab draws begin at 5:30 a.m., but also may be done at other times.