Emergency Department February 2025 Employee of the Month


Congratulations Jeff C., RN, is our February Emergency Department Employee of the Month! Jeff has been an RN for nine years and a member of the Sky Lakes ED team for the past year. Jeff is an excellent leader and resource as a charge RN and preceptor. In his free time Jeff enjoys fly fishing, skiing, hiking, biking and camping with his family.

The ED team shared the following about Jeff:


“Jeff is so much fun to work with and always has a great attitude.”


“Hardworking, friendly, team player, always smiling.”


“Always super helpful, exceptional co-worker. He’s always is such good spirits and smiling.”


“Jeff is a blast to work with!”


“Strong leader, great skills, team work, positive, dependable, knowledgeable, funny.”


“Always willing to be there for support of his coworkers.”


“Always available, good attitude, very helpful.”


Thank you for being exceptional, Jeff!