Sky Lakes volunteers delivered laptops to Klamath Community College nursing students for the beginning of the Fall term.
Skip Neuber, longtime Sky Lakes Volunteer, and current chair of the Volunteer Scholarship Committee (far left) and Reid Kennedy director of volunteer services (far right) are pictured with the new cohort of KCC Nursing students, some of the 2nd year nursing students and KCC instructors. This is the Third Nursing cohort to be provided new laptops to help further engage in the online learning model inherent with the pandemic and todays learning process. Students not opting for the new laptop were provided in kind support toward learning resources and tuitions.
The Volunteers also support Scholarships to the OHSU Nursing program, and the OIT Medical Sciences programs, as well as scholarships for our Junior Volunteer program.
From Klamath Community College:
“Klamath Community College greatly appreciates Sky Lake Volunteer Services generous donation to provide a new laptop for every student enrolled in the nursing program at KCC. The laptops will ensure students have access to curriculum wherever they are. Thank you.”