Sky Lakes Rehabilitation

Outpatient Physical Therapy

2200 Bryant Williams Dr., 
Suite 3,
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Fax Number
Campus Phone Number
2865 Daggett Ave.
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Fax Number
Phone Number

Orthopedic and Post-surgical


Orthopedic physical therapy is a treatment that focuses on improving the function of your musculoskeletal system – which is made of bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Physical therapists can assist you if you have been injured and/or are getting surgery.

Common surgeries or orthopedic injuries include:


  • Total Knee Replacement
  • Total Hip Replacement
  • Rotator Cuff Repairs
  • ACL tears
  • Fractures
  • Joint instability
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Meniscus pain
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative Disc disease
  • Scoliosis

Many surgeries, such as a total knee replacement, lumbar discectomy, or shoulder rotator cuff repair will require rehabilitation following the surgery to maximize outcomes. We work with your surgeon to help address pain drivers, improve range of motion, improve strength, provide adaptations or compensations for any activities you are not allowed to do, and return to work and/or hobbies. With orthopedic injuries, we examine and address the problems that may be contributing to your pain. By identifying the contributing factors, your therapist will provide an individualized exercise program and education to help you recover from your injury or procedure.

Balance and Falls


Falls can have serious consequences as we age. In fact, more than one third of adults 65 and older have a fall each year and 3 million are treated in emergency departments, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Physical therapy can make a difference in both rehabilitation from falls and preventing falls.

Fall risks often include:


  • Strength deficits
  • Balance deficits or walking problems
  • Vision impairments
  • Vestibular involvements
  • Home and community hazards such as rugs, pets, curbs, or weather changes
  • Medication polypharmacy (Combinations of Medications)
  • Poor reaction responses and poor posture

How can physical therapy help?


Physical Therapists provide various strategies to assist with preventing falls. Our therapists identify the contributing factors and then assist in prescribing exercises to improve strength, increase awareness of your body, practicing fall prevention techniques, improve confidence with functional activities, and educate on posture. We develop unique programs for each person depending on problems or impairments. Our therapists strive to make you feel more confident with your balance and reduce your future risk for falls.

Neurological Rehabilitation


Neurological disorders result from diseases such as stroke, traumatic brain injuries, Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, and concussion. They can be caused from injuries, infections, degenerative diseases, structural defects, tumors, or disorders of the circulatory system. Neurological diseases often affect every aspect of life, including independent function. Physical therapy works with a team of skilled professionals to address your individual needs depending on your specific problem or disease.

How can physical therapy help?


Physical therapy can help address your mobility, including walking, navigating the home or community, and any aspect of your physical function. Therapists begin with a comprehensive clinical examination involving multiple body systems. From there, a customized exercise plan is individualized to what impairments are found. Your therapist will educate you on your condition and how to deal with your impairments. The goal of neurological rehab is to achieve the highest level of function and independence possible while improving overall quality of life

Vestibular Rehabilitation


Vestibular rehabilitation is a form of therapy intended to address problems caused by vestibular disorders including: vertigo, disequilibrium, motion sensitivity, unsteadiness, gaze instability, and/or imbalance and falls. The vestibular system includes parts of the inner ear and brain that control balance, coordination, and direct eye movements. If this system is damaged by disease, aging, or injury, a vestibular disorder can result.


Symptoms of a vestibular disorder can be terrifying, especially when many can significantly increase risk of falling or mimic those of a stroke. Common symptoms include room-spinning or whirling dizziness, feelings as if standing on a boat, unsteadiness, and fatigue. Often times, issues with balance, nausea, visual disturbances, headaches, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing), or pain can accompany symptoms of dizziness. These symptoms often require more physical and mental effort to continue usual activities which result in significant impairments with thinking, memory, concentration, and constant fogginess. Oftentimes, anxiety and depression add to the stress of coping with a vestibular disorder.

Common diagnoses include:


  • Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Vestibular labyrinthritis
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Cervicogenic Dizziness
  • Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
  • Vestibular Migraines
  • Endolymphatic Hydrops
  • Meniere’s Disease

How can physical therapy help?


Vestibular disorders are difficult to diagnose, as they often do not appear on imaging and can be confused with other disorders. Specialized therapists who have knowledge in this field are educated on specific testing measures and exams to rule in or out certain disorders. Therapists begin with a comprehensive clinical assessment involving brain, eye, and vestibular systems. From there, a customized exercise plan is made from the examination findings to address your impairments. Your therapist will educate you on your condition and how to deal with your impairments.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation


Pelvic Floor Therapy focuses on dysfunction of the pelvic floor. This specific rehab works to address muscle imbalances, restore normal function, and address underlying causes. This therapy is directed towards people who may have issues with urinary or bowel movements, pain with sexual intercourse, chronic pelvic pain, pregnancy, and post-partum musculoskeletal care.

Common causes of pelvic floor dysfunction include:


  • Pelvic pain
  • Urinary symptoms (incontinence/urgency/etc)
  • Orthopedic pain
  • Prolapse
  • GI and Bowel Symptoms
  • Sexual Dysfunction

Problems in the pelvic floor can be very traumatizing, as it is often involving symptoms that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable to discuss. These symptoms are more common than not and fortunately, can be addressed by thorough examinations and specific muscular exercises of the pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor therapist will work closely with you to create an individualized program to help you achieve your goals.

Mandibular and Temporal-Mandibular Dysfunction(TMD)


Vestibular rehabilitation is a form of therapy intended to address problems caused by vestibular disorders including: vertigo, disequilibrium, motion sensitivity, unsteadiness, gaze instability, and/or imbalance and falls. The vestibular system includes parts of the inner ear and brain that control balance, coordination, and direct eye movements. If this system is damaged by disease, aging, or injury, a vestibular disorder can result.

Frequent causes of TMD include:


  • Poor posture
  • Trauma
  • Neck muscular tightness
  • Chronic jaw clenching
  • Poor teeth alignment
  • Fracture
  • Lockjaw
  • Stress

Physical therapists help you with your pain, regain normal jaw movement, and lessen stressors on the jaw. Therapists begin with a comprehensive clinical assessment involving multiple systems. From there, a customized exercise plan is made from the examination findings to address your impairments. Your therapist will educate you on your condition and how to deal with your impairments.

Return to Sport


After any injury due to a hobby or sport, returning to doing what you love can be difficult. Sometimes return to sport is limited by pain, movement deficits, weakness, or fear of re-injury. Having a previous injury can also predispose you for re-injury. Making the decision to go back to a sport or hobby after injury be a challenging decision. Physical therapists work with your doctor, orthopedic surgeon, and anyone else involved in your treatment to help you meet your goals with return to sport.


Therapists begin with a comprehensive clinical assessment involving multiple systems. From there, a customized exercise plan is made from the examination findings to address your impairments. Therapists will use coordination and balance exercises, strength and conditioning, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and various treatments to improve your limitations. Your progress is measured through strength testing, range of motion, jump testing, and motion analysis. Generally, there is no one-size fits all approach and your therapist will create a unique program to mimic your sport or hobby. By creating a more structured return to play strategy, the chances of success when transitioning from the clinic to the field will be improved.

Common areas of pain with pregnancy:


  • Low back pain
  • Sacroiliac joint pain
  • Coccyx/tailbone pain
  • Pubic pain
  • Leg and foot pain

With pregnancy, physical therapists examine and address the problems that may be contributing to your pain. Your physical therapist will work with your obstetrician or doctor to help address pain drivers, improve range of motion, improve strength and stability, provide adaptations or compensations for any activities contraindicated with pregnancy, and address any concerns with musculoskeletal pains. From there, your therapist will provide an individualized exercise program and provide education to help you adapt or recover from your pain.

Titleist Performance Institute’s Functional Movement Evaluation


Attention golfers! Can you hit the ball as far as you used to? Do you have pain after you play? Is it hard to make swing changes? An evaluation of your body’s movements may help.


The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing. Since its inception in 2003, TPI has studied thousands of golfers ranging from the top professional Tour players to weekend enthusiasts. Gathering data on players of all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels, TPI discovered how a properly functioning body allows a player to swing a golf club in the most efficient way possible.

Other Specialties


Physical therapists have skills in various other areas including visceral manipulation, oncology, cardiopulmonary, and ergonomics.


  • Total joint
  • Vestibular
  • Pelvic Floor