The 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment (PDF) reflects the work of the Healthy Klamath Coalition, a multi-sector partnership established to guide community health improvement efforts in Klamath County. It updates and builds on the previous county health assessment.
“We are building a strong community, and we can only get there together” notes the first page of the 2018 Community Health Needs Assessment, which was published in April 2019. The county health assessment is regularly reviewed with updates published every three years.
Learn more about the data and indicators.
The process is part of our local health improvement work that uses data to identify priority issues, develop strategies for action and establish an accountable system with measurable indicators to track trends over time.
The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) serves as our guiding document to reaching our shared goal of a healthier Klamath. This document is focused on making meaningful change in population and individual health status through data-driven and evidence-based strategies. Review the draft 2022 plan (PDF). Please share your feedback by email to
The 2019 Community Health Improvement Plan (PDF) is the most recently published three-year strategic plan for improving the health and well-being of Klamath County residents.