Around the Basin: Joint Friendly Activities


Protect your joints


Some exercises and physical activities are hard on our joints. If you experience joint pain when exercising, you might consider switching your routine up and doing more joint friendly activities.

What can you do to keep physical activity in your routine and protect your joints? There are a lot of joint safe activities. Try out low-impact exercises and see how you like them. Here are our favorite low-impact exercises and where you can do them in the Basin.



Moderate walking (walking but you can still hold a conversation) on a mostly flat surface is a low-impact activity. You don’t have to be a speed walker or a hiker to benefit from walking. Try going for a walk with friends downtown, around your neighborhood, visit one of the Basin’s parks, on the OC&E trail, go birding on the Link River Trail, or take a few laps around the Fitness Trail at Steen Sports Park.



While swimming may feel less strenuous than other exercises, it is a full-body workout that doesn’t put a lot of strain on your joints. Swimming is great for people who experience chronic pain. If you want to go for swim in the Basin, check out the Ella Redkey Pool or the pool at the YMCA. If you’re more interested in swimming in a natural body of water, consider taking a day trip out for a swim at Lake of the Woods, Crescent Lake, or Odell Lake.



Cycling uses all major muscle groups as you pedal and can improve your heart health. Biking doesn’t require a high level of skill either. The Basin has a variety of biking options. Usually where you can walk, you can also ride. Many people choose to bike around town or on the OC&E trail. If you are more interested in stationary cycling, check out Harbor Isles or other gyms in the area.