Jacquie Haupt, RN is an ICU nurse and our latest Daisy Award recipient. Jacquie began her career as a nurse in1993. She received her award April 6, 2021 and was nominated by Dr. Holly Montjoy. This is Jacquie’s nomination:
“I would like to nominate Jacquie Haupt (ICU RN) for the Daisy award.
Yesterday, Jacquie moved to a different and less familiar unit on her own volition to help a husband and wife dying from COVID pass together. She was instrumental in their management from the time she came on duty to the time both patients passed which was well past her shift. She stayed approximately 17 hours to complete a peaceful transition for these patients- one of the most heroic things I have ever witnessed. I am in tears thinking about it now. There could have been nothing more profound than what she did for these patients who had been married for over 65 years.
There isn’t better staff anywhere in the world. Truly.”
The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary compassionate and skillful care given by nurses every day. The Daisy banner will hang in the ICU for the remainder of this quarter. Thank you, Jacquie, for the hard work you do every day and the compassion and care you provide for your patients. Congratulations.
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