Please join us in congratulating Nicole Hughes, RN, as our January Emergency Department Employee of the Month!
Nicole is a returning travel RN and is finishing her third contract with us in the Emergency Department. With her 15 years of nursing experience, she has proven to be a valuable asset to our department. The ED staff shared the following comments about Nicole:
“Nicole is an amazing nurse, she is a great resource. She does everything without having to be asked. She is so helpful, an amazing nurse.”
“Always ready to be of help and share her knowledge.”
“She is such a hard worker every single shift!! She is willing to help anyone with anything they need.”
“Nicole is always willing to help, always ready to work and is a wonderful team player. She is very knowledgeable in emergency medicine and [we’re] glad to have her as a teammate. Going to miss her so much and hope she returns. Great asset to the department.”
“Nicole is an exceptional employee, can always be depended on and has the skills necessary to take on any task or team she is given. Nicole helps all team members when she is not even expected to, but due to her selflessness, she always does. She has been a major asset to this department” with her “competency, work ethic, team work approach and morals/ethics.”
“Great team player, hard-working, THE BEST!”
Thank you for being exceptional and having such a positive impact on our staff Nicole!