Take Care of Your Joints with Low-Impact Exercises


Exercise is good for you, right?


We all know that regular exercise is important to our overall health and well-being. Regular exercise reduces anxiety and depression symptoms and can lower your blood pressure and risk of prediabetes. Most doctors recommend 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily. But where do you start?

What kinds of exercises are right for you?


What if, in addition to not knowing where to start, you have joint pain or are concerned about injuring your joints? Not all physical activity is beneficial to everyone. High-impact activities like running, hiking, skiing, tennis, or anything that requires jumping puts a high level of impact on your joints and could cause injury or irritate existing injuries. There are great benefits to high- impact activities like increasing bone density and improving your cardiovascular health. But high-impact activities aren’t suitable for everyone.

If you’re concerned about your joint health, physical abilities, or are beginning to add physical activity back into your routine you might start with low-impact activities.

Low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, yoga, rowing, elliptical cardio, and walking are great for a wide range of people and are generally safer for your body than high-impact activities.

Consider low-impact


Low-impact physical activities are great for people who are recovering from injury, building strength to prevent injuries, and want something that maintains fitness without putting too much stress on the joints.


Low-impact physical activities can help strengthen your core and the muscles that support your joints as well as improve your posture. Joint friendly physical activities are also a great place to start if your goal is to add high-impact exercise into your routine in combination with low-impact exercise.

Interested in low-impact activities you can do around the Basin?