Students may request to observe or shadow a healthcare field under the supervision of a Sky Lakes employee or medical staff member, including physicians. Observers may also observe on rounds and watch procedures.
Prospective applicants may choose to observe under the supervision of a Sky Lakes employee or medical staff member, including physicians. Observers may observe on rounds and watch procedures.
The observer program is intended to provide participants with a behind-the-scenes glimpse of careers in healthcare. The duration of the observership is determined case-by-case. An observership is a voluntary experience that does not constitute employment, compensation, medical education or any training leading to academic credit, licensure or board certification. Sky Lakes will not issue grades or written evaluations for this program.
High School students looking to complete a senior project or an observation with a healthcare employee, please use this process.
*If you are a high school student enrolled in health occupations, please speak to your advisor.
Participant eligibility requires the following:
* Proper completion of your observership application request does not guarantee an observation.