Sky Lakes hit by Ransomware Attack

October 27, 2020 — Earlier today, Sky Lakes Medical Center was the victim of a ransomware attack on its computer systems.


While the organization’s computer systems have been compromised, so far there is no evidence that patient information has been compromised. Communications with the medical center will be a little complicated, however, until systems are restored.


The entire Sky Lakes team is working to counter this attack, and we will keep you updated on the ongoing details of our efforts to return business back to normal.


Emergency and urgent care remain available. Many scheduled procedures will go on as scheduled, but if you have questions please contact the hospital or your provider.


Please note, current filled prescriptions will still be available at Sky Lakes pharmacies.


Update: On Wednesday, Oct. 28, both the Sky Lakes Downtown Pharmacy and Sky Lakes Outpatient Pharmacy are open with some limitations.


Please be patient. We are working to ensure all medical needs are taken care of during this time. Sky Lakes is open and, as always, Sky Lakes is safe and is here to care for you.


Update: October 28, 2020 — Sky Lakes ransomware attack update: Sky Lakes retail pharmacies and clinics are all open. With our computer system still compromised by the ransomware attack, business is functioning although slower. Thank you for your patience!


Update: November 3, 2020 — While there is not yet a firm timeline, there is progress on restoring computer systems with an emphasis on devices in clinical areas, and a clear step-by-step plan in place that will establish a firm foundation upon which we can build a new network. Additionally, there is no evidence that personal information has left the security of Sky Lakes.


In the meantime, Information Services staff are replacing hundreds of PCs considered to be at risk of infection and rebuilding others to ensure a virus-free Sky Lakes computer network.

Our Sky Lakes employees have displayed spectacular dedication and professionalism in a time of incredible pressure. As always, our top priority is the care of our patients. Because the Sky Lakes email services are temporarily unavailable, we are not able to reply to any emails sent to our corporate addresses. If you have questions, please give Sky Lakes a call.


Update: November 4, 2020 — The current investigation has uncovered clues regarding the apparent root cause of the attack. This information will be used to further harden our computer security systems.

We want to give a big thank you to CalOre for supplying us with additional bandwidth for our wireless network. The added capacity helps us manage clinical and operational systems. This is another example of the community stepping up to support local healthcare. There is still no indication that patient information left Sky Lakes. The attack’s motive appears to be extortion, although Sky Lakes has no intention of responding to any ransom demand.

Date Posted
October 20, 2020